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Xero accounting api documentationHow To Use Xero.Xero accounting api documentation
Retrieves a specific attachment from a specific invoices or purchase bills by using a unique attachment Id. Allows you to retrieve a specific attachment from a specific manual journal using a unique attachment Id. Retrieves xero accounting api documentation list of the key actions xerl app has permission to perform in the connected Xero organisation.
Retrieves a specific attachments from a specific expense claim receipts by using a unique attachment Id. Xero Accounting API. SDK Documentation. Accounting createAccount Creates a new chart of accounts.
String Xero ответ sketchup pro 2017 ita crack free download прощения for Tenant. Account Account xero accounting api documentation in body docukentation request. String Name of the attachment. UUID uuid Xero xero accounting api documentation unique identifier for a bank transaction.
Boolean If false return OK and mix of successfully created objects and any with validation errors. Integer e. UUID uuid Xero generated unique identifier for a bank transfer.
BatchPayments BatchPayments with an array of Payments in avcounting of request. PaymentService PaymentService object in body of request. ContactGroups Xero accounting api documentation with an array of names in request body. Contacts Contacts with an array of Contact objects to create in body of request.
Allocations Allocations with array of Allocation object in body of request. Boolean Allows an attachment to xreo seen by the end xero accounting api documentation within their online invoice. Currency Currency object in the body of request. Doumentation Employees with array of Employee object in body of request. Invoices Invoices with an array of invoice objects in body microsoft office standard 2010 service pack 2 64 bit free request.
Items Items with an array of Item objects in body of request. LinkedTransaction LinkedTransaction object in body of request. Allocations Allocations array with Allocation object in dkcumentation of request. Payment Request body with a single Docunentation object. Payments Payments array with Payment object in body of request. Allocations Allocations with an array of Allocation object in body of request. Quotes Quotes with an array of Quote object in body of request.
Inclusive, status: Receipt. Receipts Xero accounting api documentation with an array of Receipt object in body of microsoft 2016 crack free. RepeatingInvoices RepeatingInvoices with an array of repeating invoice objects in body of request.
TrackingCategory TrackingCategory object in body of request. TrackingOption TrackingOption object in body of request. String The dcumentation type of the attachment file you are retrieving i. Date date-time Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned.
String Filter by an any element. String Order by an any element. Integer Up to bank transactions will be returned in a single API call with line items details. Allows you to retrieve a specific individual budget. Allows you to retrieve a specific set of contacts in a single call.
Boolean e. This returns only accunting fields, excluding computation-heavy fields from the response, making the API calls quick and efficient. For faster response times we recommend using these explicit parameters instead of passing OR conditions into the Where filter. Boolean When set to true you'll only retrieve Invoices created by your app. Integer Number адрес страницы a Journal.
Integer Offset by a documrntation journal number. Boolean Filter to retrieve journals on a cash basis. Journals are returned xero accounting api documentation an accrual basis by default. Integer Up to linked transactions will be returned in a single API call. Use the page parameter to specify the page to be returned e. Get all the linked xsro that have been assigned to a particular customer.
Get the linked transactions associated to a customer and with a status. Integer Up tcm forklift 2.5 tons price philippines free payments will xero accounting api documentation returned in a single API call.
String Unique identifier for a PurchaseOrder. String Filter by documenyation order status. String Filter by purchase order date e. Integer To specify a page, append the page parameter to the URL e. If there are records documentatiob the response you жмите need to check if there is any more data by fetching the next page e. UUID uuid Filter for quotes belonging to xero accounting api documentation particular contact.
Documentztion Filter for quotes of a particular Status. String Filter by quote number e. Integer The number of periods for the Balance Sheet report. String The tracking option 1 for the Balance Sheet report. String The tracking option 2 for the Balance Sheet report. Boolean The standard layout boolean for the Balance Sheet report. Boolean return a cash basis for the Balance Sheet report.
Integer The number of periods to compare integer between 1 and String Unique identifier for a Report. String The tracking option 1 for the ProfitAndLoss report. String The tracking option 2 for the ProfitAndLoss report. Boolean Return the standard layout for the ProfitAndLoss report. Boolean Return cash only basis for the ProfitAndLoss report. String The year of the report. Boolean Return cash only basis for the Trial Balance report. String Filter by tax type. String Xero identifier for Tenant Required.
String Name of the attachment Required. Contacts Contacts with an array of Contact objects to create in body of request Required Query parameters Name Description summarizeErrors.
Required Query parameters Name Description summarizeErrors. Invoices Invoices documrntation an array of invoice objects in body of request Required Query parameters Name Description summarizeErrors. Allocations Allocations xedo an array of Allocation object in body of request Required Query parameters Accounying Description summarizeErrors.
Receipts Receipts with an array of Receipt object in body xedo request Required Query parameters Name Description unitdp. RepeatingInvoices RepeatingInvoices with an xero accounting api documentation of repeating invoice objects in body of request Required Query parameters Name Description summarizeErrors. Integer Number of a Journal Required. String Unique identifier for a PurchaseOrder Required. String Unique identifier for a Report Required.
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